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Insights from Nor-Fishing 2024: SNG’s Experience in Trondheim


SNG proudly attended Nor-Fishing 2024 in Trondheim, Norway. As a leading event in the fishing industry, Nor-Fishing offered a prime opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, and showcasing new innovations. In this blog, we highlight our key experiences and thank everyone who made the event successful.

Nor-Fishing 2024

Nor-Fishing: Event Overview

Nor-Fishing 2024 drew industry leaders and innovators from around the world. The exhibition focused on sustainable practices and technological advancements. We were excited to contribute our expertise and learn from others.

Kieran. James, Cathal

SNG’s Nor-Fishing Highlights

  • Showcasing Innovations: At our booth, SNG showcased our latest advancements in trawl technology. The Trawl Net models, representing both pelagic and demersal applications, were a major highlight, providing a scaled demonstration of our trawls. These new solutions were crafted to address the industry’s evolving needs with a focus on efficiency and environmental responsibility. Feedback from visitors underscored the importance of these innovations in tackling current industry challenges.
  • In-depth Conversations: We had engaging and meaningful discussions with industry professionals and customers alike. These conversations covered regulatory changes, digitalization, and sustainable practices. The insights we gained will help us identify where we can make the most significant impact.
  • Learning Opportunities: We gathered valuable insights into industry trends and innovations through interactions and observations. These learnings will shape our strategy in the coming months.
SNG Trawl Models at Nor-Fishing

Acknowledgments and Future Directions

Our participation in Nor-Fishing 2024 was a milestone for SNG. The event underscored the importance of innovation, sustainability, and collaboration. We are eager to build on this momentum and continue advancing the fishing industry.

SNG at Nor-Fishing

Looking Ahead

As SNG reflects on the valuable connections and insights gained at Nor-Fishing 2024, clear objectives are being set for the future. The feedback received will directly influence upcoming innovations and improvements, ensuring that SNG remains at the forefront of the industry. The relationships established will be nurtured, with plans to explore new collaborations and strengthen existing partnerships.

SNG is also already preparing for the next Nor-Fishing event in 2026. With this timeline in mind, efforts will be focused on developing even more advanced solutions, aiming to showcase significant progress at the next exhibition. The team is committed to staying engaged with industry trends and challenges, ensuring that SNG’s offerings continue to meet the evolving needs of the fishing community.


Our visit to Nor-Fishing 2024 was a memorable and impactful experience for SNG. We look forward to leveraging the momentum from the event to explore new opportunities and advance our contributions to the fishing industry. Our heartfelt thanks go to all who contributed to the success of this exhibition

Skansen, Trondheim for Nor Fishing
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